Elle Creates in Chaos

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One Act of Kindness: How a Trip to Target Changed My Day

Ever had one of those days where you think, "Okay, this is it… This is the day that breaks me"? One of those days where even catching your sweater on a door handle would send you to tears. Yeah, today was one of those days.

Let me set the scene: It’s a jam-packed Saturday morning, one of those days I avoid like the plague. If a single activity is delayed, the whole day will be a shit storm. The morning is full of errands to get my hellions looking somewhat ready for back to school (haircuts, etc.), followed by an outdoor, going-to-be-hot-as-hell afternoon birthday party full of small talk with strangers for kids that, quite honestly, I barely know... So, naturally, I find myself at the Mecca of all things last-minute—Target. 🤪

After taking my children through the always necessary Bullseye section, we head to the toy aisle where I explain that we are not there for them no less than 700 times. We (i.e. me) anxiously choose things that I hope are neutral and fun enough for any child to enjoy, throw my kids in the cart, and head to the front to pay.

As I'm checking out with the birthday presents and my totally necessary impulse purchases, I hear the distinct sound of a small child losing their mind. Now, any parent knows that specific sound. It’s the one where you immediately sympathize with the parent but are also thankful it's not your kid this time.

I grab our bags, round the corner, and there he is—a kiddo around 8 or 9 years old, having a complete and total meltdown. I’m talking shoes flying, fists flailing, hands full of his mom's hair that was once back in a cute, middle-part bun, the whole nine yards. His mom, bless her soul, is trying to keep it together while he’s calling her names and screaming in her face. It was like a scene straight out of anyone's deepest parenting nightmares.

Now, here’s the kicker. As I walk past them, I notice something infuriating. Everyone else? They’re just staring. Some with judgmental looks, others just gawking as if they were at some kind of live entertainment show. One woman I am pretty sure was videoing the whole interaction! I mean, come on! What is happening to our world!?

I could feel my blood boiling. This poor mom was clearly doing her best and needed help, not an audience.

With my kiddos in the cart, we walked up to them. In my best "I’ve got this" voice, I said to the boy, “Ouch! You gotta be gentle with your mama!” Then I looked at her and asked, “Can I help you?” Tears welled up in her eyes as she managed a shaky, “Sure. Thank you.”

So there I am, gently ungripping this kid's hands from her hair and handing them to her to hold down. She smiled at me, gave me an “I’m good” nod, and we went our separate ways. And you know what? That was it. A simple act of kindness. I didn’t perform a miracle. I didn’t solve all her problems. I just helped her not feel absolutely alone in a moment of chaos. And it mattered.

This got me thinking about how often we, as a society, just stand by when others are struggling. Sure, there are times when we should mind our own business, but why are we so hesitant to step in and offer a hand? It made me so angry. But then, it also made me incredibly motivated to remind all of you—my wonderful friends—about the power of kindness.

It only takes one small act to make a massive difference in someone’s day. Anyone who has been on the other side of this (myself included!) KNOWS that it’s true. Whether it’s helping a mom in the throes of a meltdown or simply smiling at a stranger who looks like they’re having a rough day, we have the power to change the world, one kind act at a time.

So here’s my challenge to you: Be the change you want to see in the world. Don’t just stand by when you see someone struggling. Offer a hand, a kind word, or even just a smile. They might say no, and that’s okay! It can also create a ripple effect of kindness and remind everyone that we’re in this together.

And remember, every act of kindness counts, no matter how small. Pay it forward and watch the world become a little bit brighter, one good deed at a time.

Until next time, keep creating chaos but also spread a little kindness.
