Explaining Memorial Day to Kids: Gentle Tips and Activities for Meaningful Conversations

Hey there, friends!

As someone who comes from a proud military family, Memorial Day holds a deeply personal significance for me. This day is more than just a holiday, it’s a time to reflect, honor, and remember these brave heroes, and to pass on their legacy to the next generation. As a parent, I believe it’s important to teach our children the true meaning of Memorial Day in a way that is gentle, respectful, and age-appropriate. Here are some ways to explain Memorial Day to young children, along with resources to help make this important lesson both meaningful and memorable.

Introduce the concept of heroes

1. Introduce the Concept of Heroes

  • Explanation: "Memorial Day is a special day when we remember and say thank you to the brave people who helped keep our country safe. These people are like real-life superheroes who worked in the military, such as the army, navy, air force, and marines."

    • Resource: "The Wall" by Eve Bunting — This book tells the story of a young boy and his father who visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to find the name of the boy’s grandfather. It’s a gentle introduction to the concept of remembering those who have served.

2. Relate to Personal Experiences

  • Explanation: "Just like we celebrate our birthdays to remember when we were born, Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor the people who were very brave and took care of us, even though we may not have met them."

    • Resource: Create a memory jar together, where you can write down or draw things that you are thankful for, include things like “the bravery of those who have served.” This can help children relate Memorial Day to something they understand and can participate in.

Highlight acts of Kindness and Gratitude

3. Use Simple, Clear Language

  • Explanation: "Memorial Day is when we think about and say thank you to people who were very brave and helped protect our country. They are not with us anymore, but we remember them because they did something very important."

4. Highlight Acts of Kindness and Gratitude

  • Explanation: "On Memorial Day, we do nice things to remember the people who helped keep us safe. Some people put flowers on graves, have parades, or just say a little thank you in their hearts."

    • Resource: Create a simple flower wreath or flags together. Use this activity to talk about why people place flowers or flags on graves & how it’s a way to say thank you.

5. Focus on Positive Traditions

Incorporate Storytelling

  • Explanation: "Many families have picnics or go to parades on Memorial Day. It’s a time to be with family and friends and to think about the people who made sure we could live in a safe and happy place."

    • Resource: Attend a local parade or community event that honors Memorial Day. Explain the purpose of the event in simple terms and share the experience together.

6. Incorporate Storytelling

There you have it! Having difficult conversations with our children, especially about topics as significant as Memorial Day, is never easy. But it’s through these conversations that we instill values of respect, gratitude, and remembrance. I hope these gentle explanations and activities help you navigate this important discussion with your little ones. Remember, it’s all about creating meaningful and memorable moments together as a family. If you’re looking for more activities to enjoy with your family, be sure to check out my next post for some fun and engaging ideas. Let’s honor the day and celebrate the bravery of those who have served, all while making cherished family memories.

After you are done explaining Memorial Day to your kiddos, you might be thinking of ways to honor this day that’s meaningful for you and your family.

Don’t worry… we’ve got you covered! Check out our 10 Creative Memorial Day Activities post


Family-Friendly Memorial Day: Honoring the Day with these 10 Creative Activities


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