Laughing Through the Chaos: How Humor Helps Me Manage My Mental Health

Ever had one of those chunks of time where you feel like life is one giant sitcom?

Ever had one of those chunks of time where you feel like life is one giant sitcom? Just comedically terrible… Like “What else could possibly go wrong?!” 

It’s so easy to allow those times to drag you down, your anxiety will start to tell you “Things are never going to get better” or “Nothing is ever going to change.” But next time you find yourself at the center stage of life’s sitcom, I challenge you to try to remind yourself of the absurdity of that “never going to change” concept! After all…

"Change is inevitable. Growth is optional." — John C. Maxwell

It’s like saying, “Hey, I see you, anxiety, but you’re not going to ruin my day.”

The Power of Humor

Laughter as Medicine

They say laughter is the best medicine, and they’re not wrong. Scientific studies have shown that laughter can reduce stress hormones, increase endorphins, and even boost your immune system. It’s like a free, instant therapy session that you can have any time, anywhere.

When you laugh, your brain releases dopamine, a chemical that helps you feel good. It’s the same chemical that gets released when you listen to your favorite rock anthem or watch a hilarious stand-up comedy routine. So, the next time you’re feeling down, try to find something that makes you laugh. Whether it’s a funny YouTube video, a comedy special, or just reminiscing about a ridiculous moment with friends, laughter can help lift your spirits.

Read more about that here:

Mayo Clinic on Stress Relief from Laughter

Breaking the Cycle with Humor

As someone who’s focused on breaking cycles in my family, I’ve found that humor can be a powerful tool in changing negative patterns. When you’re able to laugh at your struggles, it takes away some of their power. It’s like saying, “Hey, I see you, anxiety, but you’re not going to ruin my day.”

For example, when my anxiety starts telling me that I’m failing as a mom, I combat it with a bit of humor. I might say something like, “Well, at least the kids are fed, clothed, and haven’t set the house on fire today. I’m calling that a win!” By finding the funny side, I can put things into perspective and keep moving forward.

Surround yourself with funny people and find the humor in everyday situations!

Practical Tips for Using Humor

Surround Yourself with Funny People

One of the best ways to bring more humor into your life is to surround yourself with funny people. Whether it’s friends who have a knack for making you laugh or comedians who resonate with your sense of humor, having a steady stream of humor can help keep your spirits high.

I’m lucky to have friends who share my love of dark, sarcastic humor. We can joke about our struggles and make light of our quirks, which helps us feel less alone. When I start sounding too end-of-world-y, they will snap me out of it with a comment like “You’re probably right, the world is totally against you.” Just hearing it like that reminds me how unrealistic that concept is. Life has peaks and valleys! Hits and shits! If you don’t have a lot of funny people in your life, try joining online communities or following comedians on social media who share your sense of humor.

Find Humor in Everyday Situations

Life is full of absurd, ridiculous moments if you’re willing to look for them. Maybe it’s your toddler’s epic meltdown over a broken crayon or the way your dog looks at you when you’re trying to do yoga, or for moms specifically, the fact you can’t use the toilet without an audience. By finding humor in everyday situations, you can lighten the mood and reduce stress.

For me, humor is a way to cope with the chaos of parenting my young kids. When my house is a mess, and I’m running on three hours of sleep, I try to find something to laugh about. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve worn my shirt inside out all day, or the way my kids dumped out all of the clean laundry that was already separated and organized in each person’s labeled basket so they could use them to be “ghostbasket” ala Bluey. These little moments of humor help me stay sane and keep things in perspective.

Use Humor as a Coping Mechanism

When faced with a stressful situation, try to find a humorous angle. This doesn’t mean making light of serious issues, but rather finding a way to inject a bit of levity into the moment. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by a work project, you might joke, “Well, at least I haven’t accidentally CC’d the entire company on a personal email… yet.”

Using humor as a coping mechanism can help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed. It’s a way to take a step back, breathe, and remember that not everything is as dire as it seems.

Humor allows us to confront difficult topics in a way that feels manageable.

Humor and Mental Health

Dark Humor and Sarcasm

If you’re someone who enjoys dark, sarcastic humor, you’re not alone. Many of us who have faced mental health challenges find solace in this type of humor. It’s a way to acknowledge the darkness without letting it consume us.

Dark humor allows us to confront difficult topics in a way that feels manageable. It’s like saying, “Yeah, life can be tough, but I’m tougher.” By laughing at the absurdity of it all, we can take some of the sting out of our struggles.

Self-Deprecating Humor

Self-deprecating humor is another way I deal with my anxiety and ADHD. In my opinion by making light of our own quirks and flaws, it’s like taking ownership over them. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not perfect, but that’s okay.”

For example, I might joke about my ADHD by saying, “I’m like a browser with 47 tabs open, 15 of them frozen, and I have no idea where the music is coming from.” By acknowledging my challenges with humor, I can accept and acknowledge them without letting them define me.

Realness and Authenticity

One of the things I value most is realness and authenticity. It’s important to me to be open and honest about struggles, but that doesn’t mean we can’t laugh about them too. I want to acknowledge that my most traumatic situations were most definitely not funny at the moment… But with hindsight, there is usually some moment that whenever I think back on it I giggle a little. Even if it’s just a “I can’t believe I went through all of that” chuckle. Humor allows us to be real without being overwhelmed by the weight of our challenges.

When we share stories with a certain lightness, it gives us the opportunity to create a sense of connection and community. We’re saying, “I get it. I’ve been there too.” This authenticity helps us feel less alone and more supported.

Consider keeping a humor journal where you jot down funny things that happen…

How to Incorporate Humor into Your Daily Life

Watch Comedy Specials and Funny Shows

Make it a habit to watch comedy specials, funny movies, or TV shows that make you laugh. Whether it’s stand-up comedy, sitcoms, or hilarious reality TV moments, find what tickles your funny bone and indulge in it regularly.

Some of my personal favorites include stand-up specials by comedians like Jim Gaffigan and Ali Wong, as well as shows like “The Office,” “Parks and Recreation” and pretty much any stupid sketch show. These never fail to make me laugh and lift my spirits.

Create a Humor Journal

Consider keeping a humor journal where you jot down funny things that happen, amusing thoughts, or jokes you hear. On tough days, you can look back through your journal for a quick pick-me-up.

This doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Just a notebook or even your notes app where you can capture those little moments of joy and laughter. It’s a great way to remind yourself that there’s always something to smile about.

Laughter strengthens your bond and creates happy memories that your child will cherish.

Practical Tips for ADHD and Neurodivergent Parents

Embrace the Chaos

As parents with ADHD or neurodivergent traits, our lives can be a bit chaotic. Embrace it! Laugh at the messiness and unpredictability. It’s okay if things don’t always go as planned. Finding humor in the chaos can make it more manageable.

For example, if your child’s science project explodes all over the kitchen, laugh it off and make it a funny story to tell later. It’s these moments of imperfection that make life interesting and memorable.

Create Fun Routines

Incorporate humor into your daily routines. Turn mundane tasks into fun activities. For instance, make a game out of cleaning up toys (we play Eye of the Tiger on repeat) or turn a boring car ride into a karaoke session with your favorite rock songs.

By adding elements of fun and humor to your routines, you can make them more enjoyable for both you and your kids. Plus, it helps to create positive associations with everyday tasks.

Laugh Together

Make time for laughter with your kids. Watch funny movies, play silly games (we love taco cat goat cheese pizza, and are always open to recommendations!), or tell jokes. Laughter strengthens your bond and creates happy memories that your children will cherish.

In our house, we have a tradition of “Friday Fun Night” where we watch a funny movie, eat popcorn, and just enjoy each other’s company. It’s a great way to unwind and connect as a family.

Humor is a powerful tool in combating mental health challenges. It helps us cope with stress, connect with others, and find joy in the midst of chaos. As someone who’s faced my share of struggles, I can attest to the transformative power of laughter.

So, embrace your quirky sense of humor, share a laugh with friends, and don’t be afraid to find the funny side of life. Remember, we’re all in this together, and by supporting each other with humor and authenticity, we can create a more transparent and supportive world.

Thanks for joining me on this journey. If you have any tips or stories about using humor to combat mental health challenges, I’d love to hear them. Let’s keep the conversation going and support each other with laughter and love.


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