Raising Kids in a Military Family: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

One of the best things about military life? The strength and resilence it builds in our kids.

Hey there, badass military families!

Raising kids in a military family is no small feat. It’s a rollercoaster of highs and lows, with twists you never saw coming.

Those of you who have experienced life in the military know that this list could really go on forever… but I’ll start with what pops into my mind first about the good, the bad, and the downright ugly of military family life.

The Good: Strength and Resilience

One of the best things about military life? The strength and resilience it builds in our kids. They learn adaptability, courage, and a deep sense of patriotism. Military kids often grow up with a strong sense of community and respect for diversity.

The Bad: Frequent Moves

Let’s be real – frequent moves are tough. We are currently getting ready for yet another huge move at the end of the year… And let me tell you… Packing up your life every few years and starting anew can be exhausting. Kids have to adjust to new schools, make new friends, and cope with the constant change. It’s important to create a stable home environment and keep open communication about their feelings.

The Ugly: Deployment and Separation

Being apart for long periods of time is an ugly side of military life.

Deployments and separations from a parent are hard on everyone. As the solo parent at home you are suddenly both parents, holding down the fort for everyone. Kids may experience anxiety, fear, or sadness. A lot of times all three! It’s crucial to maintain routines as much as possible, offer reassurance, and stay connected through letters, video calls, and care packages. Don’t be afraid to seek support from military family services or counseling if needed. And remember, some days your 100% is not 100% and that’s okay!

Coping Strategies for Military Families

  • Build a Strong Support Network: Connect with other military families. They get it. Whether it’s playdates, support groups, or just a coffee chat, having a community makes a huge difference.

  • Stay Organized: Keep important documents and records in one place. Use planners and apps to track moves, school records, and medical information.

  • Communicate Openly: Talk to your kids about what’s happening. Honesty builds trust. Let them express their feelings and offer reassurance.

  • Create Traditions: Establish family traditions that can be carried anywhere. It gives kids a sense of continuity and something to look forward to.

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Take care of yourself. A happy, healthy parent is better equipped to support their kids. Find moments of joy and relaxation in your routine.

Raising kids in a military family isn’t for the faint of heart, but it shapes strong, resilient individuals. Embrace the good, navigate the bad, and confront the ugly with humor and strength. You’ve got this!

What would YOU add to this list? Let us know in the comments!


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